We have been fortunate to study with wonderful teachers who have shared their wisdom and insight with us.
We honour our teachers; grateful for their teachings as well as their support, and we hope to carry forward what we have learned from them. Ken Martin was instrumental in bringing IBP to Calgary by initiating the first IBP training with Marjorie Rand in the mid 1980’s. Carol Hechtenthal and Jan Inglis were also key leaders in IBP Alberta with Carol founding the Calgary Institute and co-directing it initially with Pat Quigley and later with her colleague Jan Inglis for over 14 years collectively. Wendy McCrae was the most recent director for IBP in Alberta. We are thankful for their work in setting up the foundation for learning and practicing IBP in Alberta. Here, we would like to make space to honour our specific mentors who have been our own personal teachers in IBP; Pat Quigley, Wendy McCrae, and Shannon Zaychuk. We owe them so much for sharing their hearts, their wisdom, and their magic.