The IBP training program is designed for mental and medical health professionals, allied professionals, as well as for personal development for non-professionals. The IBP Training Program offers the same core curriculum with four tracks of study depending upon your specialization and/or interest.
Track 1 (3 years)
IBP Mental Health Practitioner
For licensed mental health professionals or individuals currently enrolled in an educational program leading to licensure in a mental health field. Offers powerful skills and techniques of cutting-edge, somatic-based psychotherapy. Must be licensed before certification as an IBP Practitioner can be awarded.
Track 3 (3 years)
IBP Teacher
Students learn how to teach the concepts and practices of IBP and deepen their skills. Prerequisite is certification in Track 1 or Track 2. Students in this track are Teaching Assistants and become part of the teaching staff and advisors. Must be licensed mental health professionals.
Track 2 (2 or 3 years)
IBP Allied Professional
For individuals interested in continuing professional development. IBP skills offer more personal insight and awareness, greater presence and mental clarity, and increased skills for working effectively with others, primarily in a professional capacity. Prerequisite is a master’s degree or higher.
Track 4 (2 or 3 years)
IBP Associate
A unique opportunity for anyone who wants to learn about the human psyche and to how to apply IBP concepts and practices primarily for their own personal growth and development. For more aliveness, enhanced wellbeing and skills to help to be more effective in one’s career, as a parent, and in personal relationships. Prerequisite is high school diploma, GED, or equivalent.
IBP Certified Practitioner is awarded to mental health professionals and allied professionals upon successful completion of the 300-hour training program, plus 100 hours of individual IBP psychotherapy with an IBP Certified Training Therapist.
IBP Certified Teacher is awarded to IBP Certified Practitioners upon successful completion of an additional 300 Teacher training hours.
The IBP Training program provides an in-depth curriculum in which students participate in supervised sessions and case consultation. For even the most competent professional or associate, the training cultivates new skills and fosters a deeper understanding of themselves and others. Experienced and less-experienced therapists, allied professionals, and associates deepen their own personal work and learn to cultivate a refreshing clarity and confidence. Many students report profound personal growth and positive life changes as part of their training experience.
All classes are taught by IBP Certified Teachers, who are licensed to practice medicine, psychotherapy, and/or counseling. They are seasoned clinical therapists and lecturers. Each class has several teaching assistants. Teaching Assistants are IBP Certified Practitioners in the Teacher Training Program.
To be eligible for admission, mental health professionals must be currently licensed to practice psychotherapy or counseling. Graduate students in the mental health fields may enroll if they are currently enrolled in a program of study that leads to licensing.
Allied Professionals must have a graduate degree in a profession affiliated with somatic psychotherapy, and be licensed (in good standing) with their licensing body or professional association. Associates are evaluated on an individual basis, and IBP reserves the right to reject any applicant, regardless of qualifications.
Upcoming Training Details
Current Training Dates:
YR 1 WKND 4 - Oct 1-3, 2020
YR 2 WKND 1 - Nov 26-28, 2020
YR 2 WKND 2 - Feb 25-27, 2021
YR 2 WKND 3 - Apr 29,30, May 01, 2021
Training Location: Training Currently Offered On-Line
9am - Noon & 1pm - 4pm
$750 per weekend, or $3,000 per academic year. Tuition is due by September 1st of each school year, or in four installments, due 14 days before each training date. Payments are made via e-transfer.
NOTE: Completing your own personal IBP therapy is required for certification. 100 hours of your own individual therapy for the three year track, and 50 hours for two year track. IBP psychotherapy sessions are arranged individually with the IBP Certified Therapist of your choice.
Our current training is in progress. If you are interested in future trainings, please feel free to Register your interest in receiving communications for future classes. Class sizes are deliberately kept small, so space is limited. Register now to indicate interest in the next class!